Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm jumbled.

It's because I'm sick. I always feel jumbled when I'm sick. Its that awful feeling of having so much to do and wanting to be able to get up and do it, but having no energy or real desire to accomplish it once you do make it out of bed. I've had this feeling for a while now. Some call it laziness. I call it sinus headaches. This week its peaked, and I've attempted to stay mostly unconscious to avoid the coughing and the watery eyes. However, the weekend finally came and now I have to go to work. Still not feeling really up to it, but these things happen.

So, now here it is, two weeks of class left and finals looming the week after. And I've accomplished nothing. I'm behind on work study, homework, and other random things keep popping up. I should be excited because this sudden increase of things to finish means that graduation is around the corner. Don't get me wrong, I am excited. I'm jubilant some might go as far to say. At the same time, I'm terrified. I'm gun-ho to get the heck outa Dodge (so to speak... I like westerns), but I've been here so long, its not a very comforting thought. Perhaps this is why I'm dragging my feet. I'm bad for that anyway. Its called anxiety mixed with procrastination.

I should note that I'm currently doped up on medicine (all perscribed).

Anywho, with so much to do in the next few weeks, maybe I won't have time to dwell on the fear the end is bringing closer and closer.

Nah. The fear is sneaky and likes to sneak up on me... Let's hope its not the paralyzing kind.

In the words of Billy, pastor of my church, its gonna be alright.